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The 2006 imagery was used for identification in the field and to edit any boundary line changes from the 2005 imagery. 3. These images and land use boundaries were copied onto laptop computers that were used as the field collection tools. The staff took these laptops in the field and virtually all areas were visited to positively identify the land use. The site visits occurred from June through September 2006 (approx.). Land use codes were digitized directly into the laptop computers using AUTOCAD (and a standardized digitizing process) any land use boundaries changes were noted and corrected back in the office. 4. After quality control/assurance procedures were completed on each file (DWG), the data was finalized for the summer survey. The primary focus of this land use survey is mapping agricultural fields. Urban residences and other urban areas were delineated using aerial photo interpretation. Some urban areas may have been missed, especially in forested areas. Rural residential land use was delineated by drawing polygons to surround houses and other buildings along with some of the surrounding land. These footprint areas do not represent the entire footprint of urban land.Sources of irrigation water were identified for general areas and occasionally supplemented by information obtained from landowners. Water source information was not collected for each field in the survey, so the water source listed for a specific agricultural field may not be accurate.Before final processing, standard quality control procedures were performed jointly by staff at DWR's SJD, and at DSIWM headquarters under the leadership of Jean Woods, Senior Land and Water Use Supervisor. After quality control procedures were completed, the data was finalized. The positional accuracy of the digital line work, which is based upon the orthorectified NAIP imagery, is approximately 6 meters. The land use attribute accuracy for agricultural fields is high, because almost every delineated field was visited by a surveyor. The accuracy is 95 percent because some errors may have occurred. Possible sources of attribute errors are: a) Human error in the identification of crop types, b) Data entry errors.", "copyrightText": "California Department of Water Resources, DPLA, San Joaquin District Office, Water Conservation and Land and Water Use Section.", "editFieldsInfo": null, "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": null, "syncCanReturnChanges": false, "relationships": [], "isDataVersioned": false, "isDataArchived": false, "infoInEstimates": [ "extent", "count" ], "isDataBranchVersioned": false, "isDataReplicaTracked": false, "isCoGoEnabled": false, "supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter": true, "archivingInfo": { "supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment": false, "startArchivingMoment": -1 }, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsExceedsLimitStatistics": true, "supportsAdvancedQueries": true, "supportsValidateSQL": true, "supportsCoordinatesQuantization": true, "supportsQuantizationEditMode": true, "supportsCalculate": true, "supportsASyncCalculate": true, 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yrs.", "code": "I1" }, { "name": "Idle - New lands being prepared for crop production", "code": "I2" }, { "name": "Idle - Long Term - land consistently idle for four or more years", "code": "I4" }, { "name": "Pasture", "code": "P" }, { "name": "Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures", "code": "P1" }, { "name": "Clover", "code": "P2" }, { "name": "Pasture - Mixed", "code": "P3" }, { "name": "Pasture - Native Improved", "code": "P4" }, { "name": "Pasture - Induced High Water", "code": "P5" }, { "name": "Pasture - Miscellaneous Grasses", "code": "P6" }, { "name": "Pasture - Turf Farms", "code": "P7" }, { "name": "Pasture - Bermuda Grass", "code": "P8" }, { "name": "Pasture - Rye Grass", "code": "P9" }, { "name": "Pasture - Klein grass", "code": "P10" }, { "name": "Rice - No subclass", "code": "R" }, { "name": "Rice", "code": "R1" }, { "name": "Rice - Wild", "code": "R2" }, { "name": "Truck Crops - No Subclass", "code": "T" }, { "name": "Artichokes", "code": "T1" }, { "name": "Asparagus", "code": "T2" }, { "name": "Beans (green)", "code": "T3" }, { "name": "Cole crops (mixture of T22-T25)", "code": "T4" }, { "name": "Carrots", "code": "T6" }, { "name": "Celery", "code": "T7" }, { "name": "Lettuce (all types)", "code": "T8" }, { "name": "Melons, Squash, and Cucumbers", "code": "T9" }, { "name": "Onions and Garlic", "code": "T10" }, { "name": "Peas", "code": "T11" }, { "name": "Potatoes", "code": "T12" }, { "name": "Sweet Potatoes", "code": "T13" }, { "name": "Spinach", "code": "T14" }, { "name": "Tomatoes (Processing)", "code": "T15" }, { "name": "Flowers, nursery and Christmas Tree Farms", "code": "T16" }, { "name": "Truck Crops - Mixture of four or more", "code": "T17" }, { "name": "Truck Crops - Misc.", "code": "T18" }, { "name": "Bushberries", "code": "T19" }, { "name": "Strawberries", "code": "T20" }, { "name": "Peppers (Chili, Bell, etc.)", "code": "T21" }, { "name": "Broccoli", "code": "T22" }, { "name": "Cabbage", "code": "T23" }, { "name": "Cauliflower", "code": "T24" 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"code": "S5" }, { "name": "Semi-Ag Misc. 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No Subclass", "code": "UV" }, { "name": "Urban Vacant - Unpaved Area (vacant lot, graveled surface, open land within urban development, etc.)", "code": "UV1" }, { "name": "Urban Vacant - Railroad Right of Way", "code": "UV3" }, { "name": "Urban Vacant - Paved Areas (parking lot, paved road, tennis courts, etc.)", "code": "UV4" }, { "name": "Urban Vacant - Airport Runways", "code": "UV6" }, { "name": "Urban Vacant - Land in Urban Area that is not Developable", "code": "UV7" }, { "name": "Native Barren and Wasteland - No Subclass", "code": "NB" }, { "name": "Native Barren - Dry Stream Channels", "code": "NB1" }, { "name": "Native Barren - Mine Tailing", "code": "NB2" }, { "name": "Native Barren - Barren land", "code": "NB3" }, { "name": "Native Barren - Salt flats", "code": "NB4" }, { "name": "Native Barren - Sand Dunes", "code": "NB5" }, { "name": "Native Land Cover not specified as Riparian, Vegetation, Barren or Water Surface", "code": "NC" }, { "name": "Native Riparian - No Subclass", "code": "NR" }, { "name": "Native Riparian - Marsh Lands, Tules and Sedges", "code": "NR1" }, { "name": "Native Riparian - Natural High Water Table Meadow", "code": "NR2" }, { "name": "Native Riparian - Trees, shrubs or large veg along stream course or waterside", "code": "NR3" }, { "name": "Native Riparian - Seasonal Duck Marsh", "code": "NR4" }, { "name": "Native Riparian - Permanent Duck Marsh", "code": "NR5" }, { "name": "Native Vegetation - No Subclass", "code": "NV" }, { "name": "Native Vegetation - No Subclass", "code": "NV1" }, { "name": "Native Veg - Light brush", "code": "NV2" }, { "name": "Native Veg - Medium brush", "code": "NV3" }, { "name": "Native Veg - Heavy brush", "code": "NV4" }, { "name": "Native Veg - Brush and timber", "code": "NV5" }, { "name": "Native Veg - Forest", "code": "NV6" }, { "name": "Native Veg - Oak grassland", "code": "NV7" }, { "name": "Water Surface - No Subclass", "code": "NW" }, { "name": "Water - River or stream (natural fresh water channels)", "code": "NW1" }, { "name": "Water - Channel (all sizes, engineered for delivery)", "code": "NW2" }, { "name": "Water - Channel (all sizes, engineered for removal)", "code": "NW3" }, { "name": "Water - Freshwater lake, reservoir or pond (all sizes, including stock ponds and recharge basins)", "code": "NW4" }, { "name": "Water - Brackish and saline water (estuaries, inland water bodies, ocean, etc.)", "code": "NW5" }, { "name": "Water - Wastewater pond", "code": "NW6" }, { "name": "Water - Paved water conveyance within urban areas, mainly for flood control", "code": "NW7" }, { "name": "Entry Denied", "code": "E" }, { "name": "Not Surveyed", "code": "NS" }, { "name": "Out of Survey Area", "code": "Z" }, { "name": "Not cropped, or unclassified at the time of remote-sensing analysis. Idle status not determined", "code": "X" } ], "mergePolicy": "esriMPTDefaultValue", "splitPolicy": "esriSPTDefaultValue" }, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 4, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "CROPTYP1" }, { "name": "CROPTYP2", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "CROPTYP2", "domain": { "type": "codedValue", "name": "AllCropType_dom", "description": "List of all CropType codes", "codedValues": [ { "name": "****", "code": "****" }, { "name": "Citrus and Subtropical - No Subclass", "code": "C" }, { "name": "Grapefruit", "code": "C1" }, { "name": "Lemons", "code": "C2" }, { "name": "Oranges", "code": "C3" }, { "name": "Dates", "code": "C4" }, { "name": "Avocados", "code": "C5" }, { "name": "Olives", "code": "C6" }, { "name": "Subtropical Fruits Misc.", "code": "C7" }, { "name": "Kiwis", "code": "C8" }, { "name": "Jojoba", "code": "C9" }, { "name": "Eucalyptus", "code": "C10" }, { "name": "Subtropical Fruit - Mixed", "code": "C11" }, { "name": "Deciduous Fruit and Nuts - No Subclass", "code": "D" }, { "name": "Apples", "code": "D1" }, { "name": "Apricots", "code": "D2" }, { "name": "Cherries", "code": "D3" }, { "name": "Peaches and Nectarines", "code": "D5" }, { "name": "Pears", "code": "D6" }, { "name": "Plums", "code": "D7" }, { "name": "Prunes", "code": "D8" }, { "name": "Figs", "code": "D9" }, { "name": "Deciduous - Misc.", "code": "D10" }, { "name": "Deciduous - Mixed", "code": "D11" }, { "name": "Almonds", "code": "D12" }, { "name": "Walnuts", "code": "D13" }, { "name": "Pistachios", "code": "D14" }, { "name": "Pomegranates", "code": "D15" }, { "name": "Plums, Prunes or Apricots (grouped for remote sensing classification only)", "code": "D16" }, { "name": "Field Crops - No Subclass", "code": "F" }, { "name": "Cotton", "code": "F1" }, { "name": "Safflower", "code": "F2" }, { "name": "Flax", "code": "F3" }, { "name": "Hops", "code": "F4" }, { "name": "Sugar beets", "code": "F5" }, { "name": "Corn (field and sweet", "code": "F6" }, { "name": "Sorghum", "code": "F7" }, { "name": "Sudan", "code": "F8" }, { "name": "Castor Beans", "code": "F9" }, { "name": "Beans (dry)", "code": "F10" }, { "name": "Field Misc.", "code": "F11" }, { "name": "Sunflowers", "code": "F12" }, { "name": "Hybrid Sorghum/Sudan", "code": "F13" }, { "name": "Millet", "code": "F14" }, { "name": "Sugar cane", "code": "F15" }, { "name": "Corn, Sorghum or Sudan (grouped for remote sensing classification only)", "code": "F16" }, { "name": "Grain and Hay - No Subclass", "code": "G" }, { "name": "Barley", "code": "G1" }, { "name": "Wheat", "code": "G2" }, { "name": "Oats", "code": "G3" }, { "name": "Grain and Hay - Misc.", "code": "G6" }, { "name": "Grain and Hay - Mixed", "code": "G7" }, { "name": "Idle - Land not cropped in current or prior year, but within last 3 yrs.", "code": "I1" }, { "name": "Idle - New lands being prepared for crop production", "code": "I2" }, { "name": "Idle - Long Term - land consistently idle for four or more years", "code": "I4" }, { "name": "Pasture", "code": "P" }, { "name": "Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures", "code": "P1" }, { "name": "Clover", "code": "P2" }, { "name": "Pasture - Mixed", "code": "P3" }, { "name": "Pasture - Native Improved", "code": "P4" }, { "name": "Pasture - Induced High Water", "code": "P5" }, { "name": "Pasture - Miscellaneous Grasses", "code": "P6" }, { "name": "Pasture - Turf Farms", "code": "P7" }, { "name": "Pasture - Bermuda Grass", "code": "P8" }, { "name": "Pasture - Rye Grass", "code": "P9" }, { "name": "Pasture - Klein grass", "code": "P10" }, { "name": "Rice - No subclass", "code": "R" }, { "name": "Rice", "code": "R1" }, { "name": "Rice - Wild", "code": "R2" }, { "name": "Truck Crops - No Subclass", "code": "T" }, { "name": "Artichokes", "code": "T1" }, { "name": "Asparagus", "code": "T2" }, { "name": "Beans (green)", "code": "T3" }, { "name": "Cole crops (mixture of T22-T25)", "code": "T4" }, { "name": "Carrots", "code": "T6" }, { "name": "Celery", "code": "T7" }, { "name": "Lettuce (all types)", "code": "T8" }, { "name": "Melons, Squash, and Cucumbers", "code": "T9" }, { "name": "Onions and Garlic", "code": "T10" }, { "name": "Peas", "code": "T11" }, { "name": "Potatoes", "code": "T12" }, { "name": "Sweet Potatoes", "code": "T13" }, { "name": "Spinach", "code": "T14" }, { "name": "Tomatoes (Processing)", "code": "T15" }, { "name": "Flowers, nursery and Christmas Tree Farms", "code": "T16" }, { "name": "Truck Crops - Mixture of four or more", "code": "T17" }, { "name": "Truck Crops - Misc.", "code": "T18" }, { "name": "Bushberries", "code": "T19" }, { "name": "Strawberries", "code": "T20" }, { "name": "Peppers (Chili, Bell, etc.)", "code": "T21" }, { "name": "Broccoli", "code": "T22" }, { "name": "Cabbage", "code": "T23" }, { "name": "Cauliflower", "code": "T24" }, { "name": "Brussels Sprouts", "code": "T25" }, { "name": "Tomatoes (Market)", "code": "T26" }, { "name": "Greenhouse", "code": "T27" }, { "name": "Blueberries", "code": "T28" }, { "name": "Asian leafy vegetables", "code": "T29" }, { "name": "Lettuce or Leafy Greens (grouped for remote sensing classification only)", "code": "T30" }, { "name": "Potato or Sweet potato (grouped for remote sensing classification only)", "code": "T31" }, { "name": "Vineyards - No Subclass", "code": "V" }, { "name": "Table grapes", "code": "V1" }, { "name": "Wine grapes", "code": "V2" }, { "name": "Raisin grapes", "code": "V3" }, { "name": "Young Perennial (grouped for remote sensing or when CLASS C, D or V is not determined)", "code": "YP" }, { "name": "Semi-Ag Farmsteads with residence", "code": "S1" }, { "name": "Semi-Ag Livestock Feedlots", "code": "S2" }, { "name": "Semi-Ag Dairies", "code": "S3" }, { "name": "Semi-Ag Poultry Farms", "code": "S4" }, { "name": "Semi-Ag Farmsteads without residence", "code": "S5" }, { "name": "Semi-Ag Misc. (small roads, ditches, un-planted areas of cropped fields, etc.)", "code": "S6" }, { "name": "Urban - Unspecified Residential, Commercial, Industrial", "code": "U" }, { "name": "Urban Commercial - No Subclass", "code": "UC" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Offices, Retailers, etc.", "code": "UC1" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Hotels", "code": "UC2" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Motels", "code": "UC3" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Recreation Vehicle Parking and Campers", "code": "UC4" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Institutions (hospitals, prisons, etc. )", "code": "UC5" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Schools", "code": "UC6" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Municipal (auditoriums, arenas, parks, etc.)", "code": "UC7" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - High water use not covered by other UC codes", "code": "UC8" }, { "name": "Urban Industrial - No Subclass", "code": "UI" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Manufacturing, assembling, general processing", "code": "UI1" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Extractive Industries (oil, quarries, pits, gravel processing, etc.)", "code": "UI2" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Storage and Distribution (warehouse, railroad buildings, tank farm, etc.)", "code": "UI3" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Saw Mills", "code": "UI6" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Oil Refineries", "code": "UI7" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Paper Mills", "code": "UI8" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Meat Packing Plants", "code": "UI9" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Steel and Aluminum Mills", "code": "UI10" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Fruit and Vegetable Canneries", "code": "UI11" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - High water use not covered by other UI codes.", "code": "UI12" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Sewage Treatment Plant, including ponds", "code": "UI13" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Waste Accumulation Sites (public dump, landfill, etc.)", "code": "UI14" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Wind farms, solar collector farms, etc.", "code": "UI15" }, { "name": "Urban Landscape - No Subclass", "code": "UL" }, { "name": "Urban Landscape - Lawn Area Irrigated", "code": "UL1" }, { "name": "Urban Landscape - Golf Course Irrigated", "code": "UL2" }, { "name": "Urban Landscape - Ornamental planting, Irrigated, excluding lawns", "code": "UL3" }, { "name": "Urban Landscape - Cemeteries Irrigated", "code": "UL4" }, { "name": "Urban Landscape - Cemeteries Not Irrigated", "code": "UL5" }, { "name": "Urban Residential - No Subclass", "code": "UR" }, { "name": "Urban Res - Single family dwelling on lot size between 1 and 5 acres", "code": "UR1" }, { "name": "Urban Res - Single family dwellings, density 1 to 8 units per acre", "code": "UR2" }, { "name": "Urban Res - Multiple family dwellings (apartments, barracks, etc.)", "code": "UR3" }, { "name": "Urban Res - Trailer Courts", "code": "UR4" }, { "name": "Same as UR1 (0%-25% irrigated area)", "code": "UR11" }, { "name": "Same as UR1 (26%-50% irrigated area)", "code": "UR12" }, { "name": "Same as UR1 (51%-75% irrigated area)", "code": "UR13" }, { "name": "Same as UR1 (> 75% irrigated area)", "code": "UR14" }, { "name": "Same as UR2 (0%-25% irrigated area)", "code": "UR21" }, { "name": "Same as UR2 (26%-50% irrigated area)", "code": "UR22" }, { "name": "Same as UR2 (51%-75% irrigated area)", "code": "UR23" }, { "name": "Same as UR2 (> 75% irrigated area)", "code": "UR24" }, { "name": "Same as UR3 (0%-25% irrigated area)", "code": "UR31" }, { "name": "Same as UR3 (26%-50% irrigated area)", "code": "UR32" }, { "name": "Same as UR3 (51%-75% irrigated area)", "code": "UR33" }, { "name": "Same as UR3 (> 75% irrigated area)", "code": "UR34" }, { "name": "Same as UR4 (0%-25% irrigated area)", "code": "UR41" }, { "name": "Same as UR4 (26%-50% irrigated area)", "code": "UR42" }, { "name": "Same as UR4 (51%-75% irrigated area)", "code": "UR43" }, { "name": "Same as UR4 (> 75% irrigated area)", "code": "UR44" }, { "name": "Urban Vacant - No Subclass", "code": "UV" }, { "name": "Urban Vacant - Unpaved Area (vacant lot, graveled surface, open land within urban development, etc.)", "code": "UV1" }, { "name": "Urban Vacant - Railroad Right of Way", "code": "UV3" }, { "name": "Urban Vacant - Paved Areas (parking lot, paved road, tennis courts, etc.)", "code": "UV4" }, { "name": "Urban Vacant - Airport Runways", "code": "UV6" }, { "name": "Urban Vacant - Land in Urban Area that is not Developable", "code": "UV7" }, { "name": "Native Barren and Wasteland - No Subclass", "code": "NB" }, { "name": "Native Barren - Dry Stream Channels", "code": "NB1" }, { "name": "Native Barren - Mine Tailing", "code": "NB2" }, { "name": "Native Barren - Barren land", "code": "NB3" }, { "name": "Native Barren - Salt flats", "code": "NB4" }, { "name": "Native Barren - Sand Dunes", "code": "NB5" }, { "name": "Native Land Cover not specified as Riparian, Vegetation, Barren or Water Surface", "code": "NC" }, { "name": "Native Riparian - No Subclass", "code": "NR" }, { "name": "Native Riparian - Marsh Lands, Tules and Sedges", "code": "NR1" }, { "name": "Native Riparian - Natural High Water Table Meadow", "code": "NR2" }, { "name": "Native Riparian - Trees, shrubs or large veg along stream course or waterside", "code": "NR3" }, { "name": "Native Riparian - Seasonal Duck Marsh", "code": "NR4" }, { "name": "Native Riparian - Permanent Duck Marsh", "code": "NR5" }, { "name": "Native Vegetation - No Subclass", "code": "NV" }, { "name": "Native Vegetation - No Subclass", "code": "NV1" }, { "name": "Native Veg - Light brush", "code": "NV2" }, { "name": "Native Veg - Medium brush", "code": "NV3" }, { "name": "Native Veg - Heavy brush", "code": "NV4" }, { "name": "Native Veg - Brush and timber", "code": "NV5" }, { "name": "Native Veg - Forest", "code": "NV6" }, { "name": "Native Veg - Oak grassland", "code": "NV7" }, { "name": "Water Surface - No Subclass", "code": "NW" }, { "name": "Water - River or stream (natural fresh water channels)", "code": "NW1" }, { "name": "Water - Channel (all sizes, engineered for delivery)", "code": "NW2" }, { "name": "Water - Channel (all sizes, engineered for removal)", "code": "NW3" }, { "name": "Water - Freshwater lake, reservoir or pond (all sizes, including stock ponds and recharge basins)", "code": "NW4" }, { "name": "Water - Brackish and saline water (estuaries, inland water bodies, ocean, etc.)", "code": "NW5" }, { "name": "Water - Wastewater pond", "code": "NW6" }, { "name": "Water - Paved water conveyance within urban areas, mainly for flood control", "code": "NW7" }, { "name": "Entry Denied", "code": "E" }, { "name": "Not Surveyed", "code": "NS" }, { "name": "Out of Survey Area", "code": "Z" }, { "name": "Not cropped, or unclassified at the time of remote-sensing analysis. Idle status not determined", "code": "X" } ], "mergePolicy": "esriMPTDefaultValue", "splitPolicy": "esriSPTDefaultValue" }, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 4, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "CROPTYP2" }, { "name": "CROPTYP3", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "CROPTYP3", "domain": { "type": "codedValue", "name": "AllCropType_dom", "description": "List of all CropType codes", "codedValues": [ { "name": "****", "code": "****" }, { "name": "Citrus and Subtropical - No Subclass", "code": "C" }, { "name": "Grapefruit", "code": "C1" }, { "name": "Lemons", "code": "C2" }, { "name": "Oranges", "code": "C3" }, { "name": "Dates", "code": "C4" }, { "name": "Avocados", "code": "C5" }, { "name": "Olives", "code": "C6" }, { "name": "Subtropical Fruits Misc.", "code": "C7" }, { "name": "Kiwis", "code": "C8" }, { "name": "Jojoba", "code": "C9" }, { "name": "Eucalyptus", "code": "C10" }, { "name": "Subtropical Fruit - Mixed", "code": "C11" }, { "name": "Deciduous Fruit and Nuts - No Subclass", "code": "D" }, { "name": "Apples", "code": "D1" }, { "name": "Apricots", "code": "D2" }, { "name": "Cherries", "code": "D3" }, { "name": "Peaches and Nectarines", "code": "D5" }, { "name": "Pears", "code": "D6" }, { "name": "Plums", "code": "D7" }, { "name": "Prunes", "code": "D8" }, { "name": "Figs", "code": "D9" }, { "name": "Deciduous - Misc.", "code": "D10" }, { "name": "Deciduous - Mixed", "code": "D11" }, { "name": "Almonds", "code": "D12" }, { "name": "Walnuts", "code": "D13" }, { "name": "Pistachios", "code": "D14" }, { "name": "Pomegranates", "code": "D15" }, { "name": "Plums, Prunes or Apricots (grouped for remote sensing classification only)", "code": "D16" }, { "name": "Field Crops - No Subclass", "code": "F" }, { "name": "Cotton", "code": "F1" }, { "name": "Safflower", "code": "F2" }, { "name": "Flax", "code": "F3" }, { "name": "Hops", "code": "F4" }, { "name": "Sugar beets", "code": "F5" }, { "name": "Corn (field and sweet", "code": "F6" }, { "name": "Sorghum", "code": "F7" }, { "name": "Sudan", "code": "F8" }, { "name": "Castor Beans", "code": "F9" }, { "name": "Beans (dry)", "code": "F10" }, { "name": "Field Misc.", "code": "F11" }, { "name": "Sunflowers", "code": "F12" }, { "name": "Hybrid Sorghum/Sudan", "code": "F13" }, { "name": "Millet", "code": "F14" }, { "name": "Sugar cane", "code": "F15" }, { "name": "Corn, Sorghum or Sudan (grouped for remote sensing classification only)", "code": "F16" }, { "name": "Grain and Hay - No Subclass", "code": "G" }, { "name": "Barley", "code": "G1" }, { "name": "Wheat", "code": "G2" }, { "name": "Oats", "code": "G3" }, { "name": "Grain and Hay - Misc.", "code": "G6" }, { "name": "Grain and Hay - Mixed", "code": "G7" }, { "name": "Idle - Land not cropped in current or prior year, but within last 3 yrs.", "code": "I1" }, { "name": "Idle - New lands being prepared for crop production", "code": "I2" }, { "name": "Idle - Long Term - land consistently idle for four or more years", "code": "I4" }, { "name": "Pasture", "code": "P" }, { "name": "Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures", "code": "P1" }, { "name": "Clover", "code": "P2" }, { "name": "Pasture - Mixed", "code": "P3" }, { "name": "Pasture - Native Improved", "code": "P4" }, { "name": "Pasture - Induced High Water", "code": "P5" }, { "name": "Pasture - Miscellaneous Grasses", "code": "P6" }, { "name": "Pasture - Turf Farms", "code": "P7" }, { "name": "Pasture - Bermuda Grass", "code": "P8" }, { "name": "Pasture - Rye Grass", "code": "P9" }, { "name": "Pasture - Klein grass", "code": "P10" }, { "name": "Rice - No subclass", "code": "R" }, { "name": "Rice", "code": "R1" }, { "name": "Rice - Wild", "code": "R2" }, { "name": "Truck Crops - No Subclass", "code": "T" }, { "name": "Artichokes", "code": "T1" }, { "name": "Asparagus", "code": "T2" }, { "name": "Beans (green)", "code": "T3" }, { "name": "Cole crops (mixture of T22-T25)", "code": "T4" }, { "name": "Carrots", "code": "T6" }, { "name": "Celery", "code": "T7" }, { "name": "Lettuce (all types)", "code": "T8" }, { "name": "Melons, Squash, and Cucumbers", "code": "T9" }, { "name": "Onions and Garlic", "code": "T10" }, { "name": "Peas", "code": "T11" }, { "name": "Potatoes", "code": "T12" }, { "name": "Sweet Potatoes", "code": "T13" }, { "name": "Spinach", "code": "T14" }, { "name": "Tomatoes (Processing)", "code": "T15" }, { "name": "Flowers, nursery and Christmas Tree Farms", "code": "T16" }, { "name": "Truck Crops - Mixture of four or more", "code": "T17" }, { "name": "Truck Crops - Misc.", "code": "T18" }, { "name": "Bushberries", "code": "T19" }, { "name": "Strawberries", "code": "T20" }, { "name": "Peppers (Chili, Bell, etc.)", "code": "T21" }, { "name": "Broccoli", "code": "T22" }, { "name": "Cabbage", "code": "T23" }, { "name": "Cauliflower", "code": "T24" }, { "name": "Brussels Sprouts", "code": "T25" }, { "name": "Tomatoes (Market)", "code": "T26" }, { "name": "Greenhouse", "code": "T27" }, { "name": "Blueberries", "code": "T28" }, { "name": "Asian leafy vegetables", "code": "T29" }, { "name": "Lettuce or Leafy Greens (grouped for remote sensing classification only)", "code": "T30" }, { "name": "Potato or Sweet potato (grouped for remote sensing classification only)", "code": "T31" }, { "name": "Vineyards - No Subclass", "code": "V" }, { "name": "Table grapes", "code": "V1" }, { "name": "Wine grapes", "code": "V2" }, { "name": "Raisin grapes", "code": "V3" }, { "name": "Young Perennial (grouped for remote sensing or when CLASS C, D or V is not determined)", "code": "YP" }, { "name": "Semi-Ag Farmsteads with residence", "code": "S1" }, { "name": "Semi-Ag Livestock Feedlots", "code": "S2" }, { "name": "Semi-Ag Dairies", "code": "S3" }, { "name": "Semi-Ag Poultry Farms", "code": "S4" }, { "name": "Semi-Ag Farmsteads without residence", "code": "S5" }, { "name": "Semi-Ag Misc. (small roads, ditches, un-planted areas of cropped fields, etc.)", "code": "S6" }, { "name": "Urban - Unspecified Residential, Commercial, Industrial", "code": "U" }, { "name": "Urban Commercial - No Subclass", "code": "UC" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Offices, Retailers, etc.", "code": "UC1" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Hotels", "code": "UC2" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Motels", "code": "UC3" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Recreation Vehicle Parking and Campers", "code": "UC4" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Institutions (hospitals, prisons, etc. )", "code": "UC5" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Schools", "code": "UC6" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - Municipal (auditoriums, arenas, parks, etc.)", "code": "UC7" }, { "name": "Urban Comm - High water use not covered by other UC codes", "code": "UC8" }, { "name": "Urban Industrial - No Subclass", "code": "UI" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Manufacturing, assembling, general processing", "code": "UI1" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - Extractive Industries (oil, quarries, pits, gravel processing, etc.)", "code": "UI2" }, { "name": "Urban Industr - 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