Description: This dataset represents a water shortage vulnerability analysis performed by DWR using modified PLSS sections pulled from the Well Completion Report PLSS Section Summaries. This feature class includes water shortage vulnerability indicators and scores from an analysis done by CA Department of Water Resources, joined to the modified PLSS sections exported from the Well Completion Report Sections to align with current SGMA data. These polygons are not intended to be legal PLSS boundaries, but rather modified PLSS sections for visualization and analysis. Projected PLSS sections used in the Well Completion Reports were originally provided by the Department of Pesticide. These indicators were pulled from various data sources, please refer to the Drought and Water Shortage Vulnerability Scoring: California's Domestic Wells and State Smalls Systems documentation for more information on how the indicators were calculated and weighted. The goal of this data is to provide a spatial representation of various factors that can affect water shortage vulnerability in the state of California. The category of domestic wells and state small water systems intends to focus on what is required to be planned for by counties, following SB 552. This is intended to include those households and others with domestically used water (e.g., dish washing, showering, drinking) on private surface water supplies (surface water supplies will be improved in the future). The unit of analysis for physical vulnerability in this analysis is Public Land Survey Sections, one square mile grid covering all of California. This also attempts to address communities served by water suppliers with fewer than 15 service connections, which are either local smalls (serving between 2 to 4 connections), state smalls (serving between 5 to 14 connections) or domestic wells (serving one connection).
Copyright Text: California Department of Water Resources using various publicly available datasets. Please refer to model documentation for full source information.