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Service Description: Fault Descriptions of locations crossing the California Aqueduct, Coastal Branch, North Bay Aqueduct, and South Bay Aqueduct. Taken from various State Water Project construction reports. Fault crossings were collected before and during construction of the State Water Project (SWP) to inform design, and have been compiled in this database for future use in repairs and design. This compilation covers the SWP from North of San Francisco Bay in Solano County to Riverside County, and includes the California Aqueduct, North and South Bay Aqueducts, Coastal Branch, and West Branch.
The associated data are considered DWR enterprise GIS data, which meet all appropriate requirements of the DWR Spatial Data Standards, specifically the DWR Spatial Data Standard version 3.6, dated September 27, 2023. DWR makes no warranties or guarantees — either expressed or implied — as to the completeness, accuracy, or correctness of the data. DWR neither accepts nor assumes liability arising from or for any incorrect, incomplete, or misleading subject data.
The official DWR GIS steward for this data set is Leah Feigelson, who may be contacted at 916-820-7583, or at Comments, problems, improvements, updates, or suggestions should be forwarded to the official GIS steward as available and appropriate.
Map Name: i08_FaultCrossings_StateWaterProject
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Copyright Text: Department of Water Resources, Division of Design and Construction, "California Aqueduct Fault Crossings" PG Report 50-00-06, revised 11/18/1965
Department of Water Resources, Southern Field Division, "Quail Detention Embankment" PG Report 56-00-30, October 2004
Department of Water Resources, Southern District Design and Construction Branch, "Quail Embankment" PG Report D-75, September 1966
Department of Water Resources, Division of Design and Construction, "West Branch Completion Project" PG Report D-130, October 1977
Department of Water Resources, Division of Design and Construction, "Gorman Creek Improvement" PG Report C-69, May 1973
Department of Water Resources, Southern District Design and Construction Branch, "Quail Embankment" PG Report C-29, December 1967
Department of Water Resources, Division of Design and Construction, "Quail Canal" PG Report C-79, March 1972
Department of Water Resources, Southern District Design and Construction Branch, "Geologic Exploration of Peace Valley Pipeline" PG Report 56-50-03, February 1967
Department of Water Resources, Southern District, "Quail Regulating Pool" PG Report 56-40-09, September 1965
Department of Water Resources, Southern District Design and Construction Branch, "Gorman Creek Improvement - Phase I" PG Report D-122, January 1970
Department of Water Resources, Southern District Design and Construction Branch, "Quail Embankment" PG Report D-75, September 1966
Data entry by Brad von Dessonneck
QC by Leah Feigelson in 2023
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -194363.35802965818
YMin: 25214.370854402117
XMax: -191916.13196072986
YMax: 27666.78722252219
Spatial Reference: 3310
Full Extent:
XMin: -195996.95749999955
YMin: -436063.90589999966
XMax: 252894.37090000138
YMax: 41857.91009999998
Spatial Reference: 3310
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: Map4
Keywords: Faults,California Aqueduct,State Water Project,California,Seismic,Geoscientific,California Department of Water Resources,Department of Water Resources,DWR,Geology,Aqueduct,Crossings,Atlas,SWP,DWR GIS Atlas
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
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