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Item Information

snippet: Continuous environmental monitoring stations published though the Department's Water Data Library web application.
summary: Continuous environmental monitoring stations published though the Department's Water Data Library web application.
extent: [[-124.282083813987,35.3055179995243],[-118.912873999598,41.9979803428203]]
accessInformation: California Department of Water Resources
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This is a point feature class of environmental monitoring stations maintained in the California Department of Water Resources’ (hereafter the Department) Hydstra continuous database management system used for collection of high frequency continuous timeseries data for groundwater, surface water, water quality and tidal station types. The QA/QC data timeseries data associated with these stations is published through the Departments Water Data Library web application. This dataset is comprised of a “Stations Table” and a related “Period of Record Table”. Stations table is the primary feature class and contains basic information about each station including Station Name, Latitude, Longitude and Description. The Period of Record Table is a related feature class that contains a list of parameters (i.e. stage, flow, depth to groundwater, water temperature, turbidity, pH, etc.) collected at each station along with the start date and end date (period of record) for each parameter and the number of data points collected.
licenseInfo: public domain
title: i08_Stations_Monitoring_Continuous_Hydstra_Period
type: Map Service
tags: ["stage","biota","Department of Water Resources","flow","monitoring","California","water quality","DWR","groundwater","well","surface water"]
culture: en-US
name: i08_Stations_Monitoring_Continuous_Hydstra_Period
guid: 4A66D267-F586-423A-88EA-B9010643DFF1
minScale: 0
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984