Description: Point locations were digitized in to roughly correspond with the location that the data represents. These locations were developed from a combination of CalSim II Inflow data and other large regulated watersheds (Kings River inflow to Pine Flat and Kaweah River inflow to Kaweah Lake). These data were generated as part of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Office Climate Change Data, Tools, and Guidance project under its Technical Assistance Program. The origin of the locations were for modeling activities for the California Water Commission (CWC) Prop 1 Water Storage Investment Program. The dataset includes the CalSim-II arc (location ID) for each point represented. The version of the model used to extract these locations is from the 2015 State Water Project (SWP) Delivery Capability Report. CalSim-II is the model used to simulate California State Water Project (SWP)/Central Valley Project (CVP) operations. It was developed by the DWR Bay-Delta Office (BDO) and United States Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation). CalSim-II was used as the operations model for the California Water Commission (CWC) Prop 1 Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP). More Information about the model can be found at the CWC WSIP Application Resources Page. Information about the related model results are available on the SGMO Data and Tools Page
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