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Service Description: This dataset presents the spatial extent of all agricultural, semi-agricultural, native, and urban lands within the legal Delta Boundary. Delineated from Rapid Eye Imagery from the year 2017. The dataset is a comprehensive land use for 2017 and also contains information on agricultural classes for spring 2017. Major assumption of this dataset is that the native vegetation is grouped into 5 level 2 categories and are grouped into 3 DWR native categories.
Map Name: i15_Crop_Mapping_Delta_2017
All Layers and Tables
Description: This dataset presents the spatial extent of all agricultural, semi-agricultural, native, and urban lands within the legal Delta Boundary. Delineated from Rapid Eye Imagery from the year 2017. The dataset is a comprehensive land use for 2017 and also contains information on agricultural classes for spring 2017. Major assumption of this dataset is that the native vegetation is grouped into 5 level 2 categories and are grouped into 3 DWR native categories.
Copyright Text: Land IQ. Contact:
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: true
Tile Info:
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[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
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[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
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Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
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YMin: 4526300.9771
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YMax: 4662991.543799996
Spatial Reference: 102100
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Document Info:
Title: i15_Crop_Mapping_Delta_2017
Comments: This dataset presents the spatial extent of all agricultural, semi-agricultural, native, and urban lands within the legal Delta Boundary. Delineated from Rapid Eye Imagery from the year 2017. The dataset is a comprehensive land use for 2017 and also contains information on agricultural classes for spring 2017. Major assumption of this dataset is that the native vegetation is grouped into 5 level 2 categories and are grouped into 3 DWR native categories.
Subject: This dataset presents the spatial extent of all agricultural, semi-agricultural, native, and urban lands within the legal Delta Boundary.
Keywords: farming,biota,inlandWaters,environment,Delta,Landuse,2017,Agriculture,Urban,Native,Semi-Agricultural,environment,farming,boundaries,inlandWaters
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
Resampling: false
MaxRecordCount: 5000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 4622324.434309
Max Scale: 4513.988705
Min LOD: 7
Max LOD: 17
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
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