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Service Description: This data represents a land use survey of San Joaquin County conducted by the California Department of Water Resources, North Central Region Office staff. Land use field boundaries were digitized with ArcGIS 10.5.1 using 2016 NAIP as the base, and Google Earth and Sentinel-2 imagery website were used as reference as well. Agricultural fields were delineated by following actual field boundaries instead of using the centerlines of roads to represent the field borders. Field boundaries were not drawn to represent legal parcel (ownership) boundaries and are not meant to be used as parcel boundaries. The field work for this survey was conducted from July 2017 through August 2017. Images, land use boundaries and ESRI ArcMap software were loaded onto Surface Pro tablet PCs that were used as the field data collection tools. Staff took these Surface Pro tablet into the field and virtually all agricultural fields were visited to identify the land use. Global positioning System (GPS) units connected to the laptops were used to confirm the surveyor's location with respect to the fields. Land use codes were digitized in the field using dropdown selections from defined domains. Agricultural fields the staff were unable to access were designated 'E' in the Class field for Entry Denied in accordance with the 2016 Land Use Legend. The areas designated with 'E' were also interpreted using a combination of Google Earth, Sentinel-2 Imagery website, Land IQ (LIQ) 2017 Delta Survey, and the county of San Joaquin 2017 Agriculture GIS feature class. Upon completion of the survey, a Python script was used to convert the data table into the standard land use format. ArcGIS geoprocessing tools and topology rules were used to locate errors for quality control. The primary focus of this land use survey is mapping agricultural fields. Urban residences and other urban areas were delineated using aerial photo interpretation. Some urban areas may have been missed. Rural residential land use was delineated by drawing polygons to surround houses and other buildings along with some of the surrounding land. These footprint areas do not represent the entire footprint of urban land. Water source information was not collected for this land use survey. Therefore, the water source has been designated as Unknown. Before final processing, standard quality control procedures were performed jointly by staff at DWR’s North Central Region, and at DRA's headquarters office under the leadership of Muffet Wilkerson, Senior Land and Water Use Supervisor. After quality control procedures were completed, the data was finalized. The positional accuracy of the digital line work, which is based upon the orthorectified NAIP imagery, is approximately 6 meters. The land use attribute accuracy for agricultural fields is high, because almost every delineated field was visited by a surveyor. The accuracy is 95 percent because some errors may have occurred. Possible sources of attribute errors are: a) Human error in the identification of crop types, b) Data entry errors. The 2017 San Joaquin County land use survey data was developed by the State of California, Department of Water Resources (DWR) through its Division of Regional Assistance (DRA). Land use boundaries were digitized, and land use was mapped by staff of DWR’s North Central Region using 2016 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) one-meter resolution digital imagery, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, and the Google Earth website. Land use polygons in agricultural areas were mapped in greater detail than areas of urban or native vegetation. Quality control procedures were performed jointly by staff at DWR’s DRA headquarters, and North Central Region. This data was developed to aid DWR’s ongoing efforts to monitor land use for the main purpose of determining current and projected water uses.
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Has Versioned Data: false
MaxRecordCount: 1000
Supported Query Formats: JSON
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Description: This data represents a land use survey of San Joaquin County conducted by the California Department of Water Resources, North Central Region Office staff. Land use field boundaries were digitized with ArcGIS 10.5.1 using 2016 NAIP as the base, and Google Earth and Sentinel-2 imagery website were used as reference as well. Agricultural fields were delineated by following actual field boundaries instead of using the centerlines of roads to represent the field borders. Field boundaries were not drawn to represent legal parcel (ownership) boundaries and are not meant to be used as parcel boundaries. The field work for this survey was conducted from July 2017 through August 2017. Images, land use boundaries and ESRI ArcMap software were loaded onto Surface Pro tablet PCs that were used as the field data collection tools. Staff took these Surface Pro tablet into the field and virtually all agricultural fields were visited to identify the land use. Global positioning System (GPS) units connected to the laptops were used to confirm the surveyor's location with respect to the fields. Land use codes were digitized in the field using dropdown selections from defined domains. Agricultural fields the staff were unable to access were designated 'E' in the Class field for Entry Denied in accordance with the 2016 Land Use Legend. The areas designated with 'E' were also interpreted using a combination of Google Earth, Sentinel-2 Imagery website, Land IQ (LIQ) 2017 Delta Survey, and the county of San Joaquin 2017 Agriculture GIS feature class. Upon completion of the survey, a Python script was used to convert the data table into the standard land use format. ArcGIS geoprocessing tools and topology rules were used to locate errors for quality control. The primary focus of this land use survey is mapping agricultural fields. Urban residences and other urban areas were delineated using aerial photo interpretation. Some urban areas may have been missed. Rural residential land use was delineated by drawing polygons to surround houses and other buildings along with some of the surrounding land. These footprint areas do not represent the entire footprint of urban land. Water source information was not collected for this land use survey. Therefore, the water source has been designated as Unknown. Before final processing, standard quality control procedures were performed jointly by staff at DWR’s North Central Region, and at DRA's headquarters office under the leadership of Muffet Wilkerson, Senior Land and Water Use Supervisor. After quality control procedures were completed, the data was finalized. The positional accuracy of the digital line work, which is based upon the orthorectified NAIP imagery, is approximately 6 meters. The land use attribute accuracy for agricultural fields is high, because almost every delineated field was visited by a surveyor. The accuracy is 95 percent because some errors may have occurred. Possible sources of attribute errors are: a) Human error in the identification of crop types, b) Data entry errors. The 2017 San Joaquin County land use survey data was developed by the State of California, Department of Water Resources (DWR) through its Division of Regional Assistance (DRA). Land use boundaries were digitized, and land use was mapped by staff of DWR’s North Central Region using 2016 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) one-meter resolution digital imagery, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, and the Google Earth website. Land use polygons in agricultural areas were mapped in greater detail than areas of urban or native vegetation. Quality control procedures were performed jointly by staff at DWR’s DRA headquarters, and North Central Region. This data was developed to aid DWR’s ongoing efforts to monitor land use for the main purpose of determining current and projected water uses.
Copyright Text: California Department of Water Resources, Division of Regional Assistance (DRA), Northern Region Office, Land and Water Use and Conservation Section, and Water Use Efficiency Branch (Sacramento Headquarters). Contact:
Spatial Reference:
Initial Extent:
XMin: -1.3609259391638057E7
YMin: 4497437.172778052
XMax: -1.338593165926194E7
YMax: 4630966.777021947
Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
XMin: -1.35347654051E7
YMin: 4506492.454000004
XMax: -1.34604227391E7
YMax: 4621910.073899999
Spatial Reference: 102100
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: i15_LandUse_SanJoaquin2017
Comments: This data represents a land use survey of San Joaquin County conducted by the California Department of Water Resources, North Central Region Office staff. Land use field boundaries were digitized with ArcGIS 10.5.1 using 2016 NAIP as the base, and Google Earth and Sentinel-2 imagery website were used as reference as well. Agricultural fields were delineated by following actual field boundaries instead of using the centerlines of roads to represent the field borders. Field boundaries were not drawn to represent legal parcel (ownership) boundaries and are not meant to be used as parcel boundaries. The field work for this survey was conducted from July 2017 through August 2017. Images, land use boundaries and ESRI ArcMap software were loaded onto Surface Pro tablet PCs that were used as the field data collection tools. Staff took these Surface Pro tablet into the field and virtually all agricultural fields were visited to identify the land use. Global positioning System (GPS) units connected to the laptops were used to confirm the surveyor's location with respect to the fields. Land use codes were digitized in the field using dropdown selections from defined domains. Agricultural fields the staff were unable to access were designated 'E' in the Class field for Entry Denied in accordance with the 2016 Land Use Legend. The areas designated with 'E' were also interpreted using a combination of Google Earth, Sentinel-2 Imagery website, Land IQ (LIQ) 2017 Delta Survey, and the county of San Joaquin 2017 Agriculture GIS feature class. Upon completion of the survey, a Python script was used to convert the data table into the standard land use format. ArcGIS geoprocessing tools and topology rules were used to locate errors for quality control. The primary focus of this land use survey is mapping agricultural fields. Urban residences and other urban areas were delineated using aerial photo interpretation. Some urban areas may have been missed. Rural residential land use was delineated by drawing polygons to surround houses and other buildings along with some of the surrounding land. These footprint areas do not represent the entire footprint of urban land. Water source information was not collected for this land use survey. Therefore, the water source has been designated as Unknown. Before final processing, standard quality control procedures were performed jointly by staff at DWR’s North Central Region, and at DRA's headquarters office under the leadership of Muffet Wilkerson, Senior Land and Water Use Supervisor. After quality control procedures were completed, the data was finalized. The positional accuracy of the digital line work, which is based upon the orthorectified NAIP imagery, is approximately 6 meters. The land use attribute accuracy for agricultural fields is high, because almost every delineated field was visited by a surveyor. The accuracy is 95 percent because some errors may have occurred. Possible sources of attribute errors are: a) Human error in the identification of crop types, b) Data entry errors. The 2017 San Joaquin County land use survey data was developed by the State of California, Department of Water Resources (DWR) through its Division of Regional Assistance (DRA). Land use boundaries were digitized, and land use was mapped by staff of DWR’s North Central Region using 2016 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) one-meter resolution digital imagery, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, and the Google Earth website. Land use polygons in agricultural areas were mapped in greater detail than areas of urban or native vegetation. Quality control procedures were performed jointly by staff at DWR’s DRA headquarters, and North Central Region. This data was developed to aid DWR’s ongoing efforts to monitor land use for the main purpose of determining current and projected water uses.
Subject: Land use survey of San Joaquin County conducted by the California Department of Water Resources, North Central Region Office staff.
Keywords: Vineyard,Imagery,Analysis,Survey,Native vegetation,Crop,Global Positioning System (GPS),NDVI,Raster,Image classification,San Joaquin County,Boundaries,Vector,Land use,Urban,Satellite imagery,Ground truth,San Joaquin County,California,biota,Agriculture,Orthoimagery,Digital imagery,Cadastral,Multispectral,Landsat,Orthorectification,Irrigation,Residential,2017,California,Survey year
AntialiasingMode: null
TextAntialiasingMode: null
Enable Z Defaults: false
Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: false
Support True Curves : true
Only Allow TrueCurve Updates By TrueCurveClients : false
Supports Return Service Edits Option : true
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
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